A Quick Guide to Using Neatsfoot Oil on Your Horse’s Hooves

By Zunnun Ahmed •  Updated: 12/16/22 •  4 min read

Is your horse suffering from dry hooves? Are you wondering what you can do to prevent dry hooves? If you are in this situation, I will help you understand how you can prevent dry hooves in horses.

But first, what causes dry horse hooves?

Your horse’s hooves can get dry because of extremely dry weather. It draws moisture from the hooves making them chip, crack, crumble, and brittle. If your horse has dry hooves, use neatsfoot oil for horse hooves that curb this problem.

Neatsfoot oil is great for horse care because it moisturizes, nourishes, and shines the hoof while still letting oxygen in. The hoof moisturizer works best for horses with problems like thrush, laminitis, and sore feet among other hoof issues.

Want to know more about this hoof oil? Let’s dig a little deeper!

What is neatsfoot oil?

This is a yellow type of pure oil extracted from the shin bones and feet of cattle. In the 18th century, neatsfoot oil was used to soften and condition leather products and to treat dry skin conditions. The oil has no use in modern leather because of the leather lacquer sealing that prevents the oil from soaking.

You can find this oil as pure neatsfoot oil, which is expensive, or neatsfoot oil compound which is mixed with other synthetic oils and is less expensive.

Neatsfoot Oil For Horses Hooves

Why use neatsfoot oil?

Neatsfoot oil is one of the most common oils for treating leather goods and wood. Unlike other petroleum oils, it contains animal proteins as the main ingredients which soften brittle leather. The oil is also suitable for saddles, belts, shoes, boots, baseball gloves, horse harnesses, and horse tack among others.

High-grade neatsfoot oil is used as a lubricant in metalworking industries. The oil also has applications in oiling sign-writer’s brushes because it doesn’t dry and washes easily with any solvent.

Can you use neatsfoot oil on horse hooves?

A dry horse’s hoof can become brittle or get cracks. A horse owner should choose the right hoof dressing to maintain a healthy hoof. Oiling the entire hoof is an essential part of horse care and it helps to lock in moisture.

So, which is the best oil for horse hooves? Can you neatsfoot oil on horses’ hooves? You can use pure your horse’s hooves to curb dryness. The oil is absorbed quickly, creates a protective coating and it promotes healthy and strong hooves.

Modern neatsfoot oil works well for all types of horse breeds. Never use petroleum jelly to moisturize horses’ hooves because it can lead to dryness and irritation. Apart from neatsfoot oil, you can also use lanolin, pine tar, bee wax, olive oil, and other natural resins.

Related: Time to strengthen your horse’s hooves! Discover how to harden your horse’s hooves naturally with simple, natural remedies that are easy on their feet.

How to use it?

Excessive wet or dry environments can have adverse effects on your horse’s hooves. If you have the right hoof oil, you can maintain healthy hooves and prevent many hoof problems. Are you wondering how to apply neatsfoot oil on horses’ hooves?

Let me show you how!

The first step is to clean the hoof before applying neatsfoot oil. After cleaning the hooves use an applicator brush to apply the oil on the hooves. Apply the oil on the top and the bottom of the hoof as required to retain moisture.

What do you keep in mind?


Using hoof oil is great to prevent chipped and cracked hooves. The oil is absorbed in different parts of the hoof like the frog, sole, coronary band, and hoof wall to lock in moisture. Applying oil on dry hooves protects the hooves from extreme environmental conditions and promotes healthy hoof growth.

If you were wondering whether you can use neatsfoot oil on your horse’s hooves, you have the right answer. I hope the above tips will help you prevent hoof dryness and keep the horses’ hooves well-moisturized.

Zunnun Ahmed

We are a group of horse enthusiasts. We want to provide information and tips to help others learn more about horses, how to care for them, and how to enjoy them.

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