Can Horses Eat Bok Choy? The Answer May Surprise You!

By Zunnun Ahmed •  Updated: 08/18/23 •  8 min read

As a horse owner, you should emphasize more on putting vegetables in your horses’ regular diet. However, the question may arise in your mind, can horses eat bok choy? Can you add this to their regular diet like other vegetables such as spinach or broccoli?

Luckily yes, Horses can eat bok choy. You can add this fantastic vegetable to your daily diet as a great source of vitamins, A, C, K, potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, and fibers. This veggie can become a lucrative ingredient for your horses once they love the taste.

This writing aims to inform you about the nutrition, benefits, and risks of bok choy for horses so that you can moderately feed your horses and keep them healthy.

What is bok choy?

Bok choy is a Chinese vegetable belonging to the Brassia or cruciferous family. It is a brother-like veggie to cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale, or mustard greens. This lavishing vegetable is also known as white Chinese cabbage.

Features of bok choy

Bok choy is a low-calorie vegetable and is blessed with the ingredients like vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

This tinder vegetable comes in various sizes, large size, and small sizes. Small-size bok choy is known as the baby version of the large size. This baby-size veggie is much juicier and softer for horses to eat. It also delivers a crunchy texture. You can hear the sound while your horses chew this delicate veggie.

Chinese bok choy: Surprising facts about horses and bok choy.

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Bok choy is very high in nutrition, check out the table below:

Vitamin A17%
Vitamin C35%
Vitamin K27%

Apart from these nutritional values are valuable for digestive health, bowel regularity, and strong bone and teeth in horses.

As bok choy is a low-calorie vegetable, so it will be helpful for those horses who need to maintain a healthy weight.

Most importantly, you will be just amazed at its versatility, because you can feed it cooked, raw, or mix with other supplements. But be careful regarding the amount, if you feed them too much, then that can be a digestive issue.

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Benefits of feeding bok choy to horses

As a vegetable, bok choy comes up with several benefits for horses. As a horse owner, you can blindly rely on this veggie to ensure great physical well-being because of its nutritional value and flavor.

Healthy addition

Besides having many nutritional values, bok chok is a low-calorie vegetable. So you can count it as a healthy addition to your horse’s regular diet.

Immune system

This veggie has a handsome amount of antioxidants that help to boost the immune system of horses.

Cell damage protection

It also protects horses from harmful free radicals, cell damage, and diseases.

Digestive Health

As it is a good source of vitamins as well as minerals and fiber, it is beneficial for the horse’s digestive health.

However, bok choy helps to prevent the horses from choking on vegetables. The delicate flavor and soft texture make it a favorite for them and you can consider it as a special treat with a mixture of hay and grain in their regular diet.

Related: Dig deeper into the mysteries of horse digestion and learn whether grapefruit is a safe treat for horses. Find out more on this educational webpage.

Risks of feeding bok choy to horses

Knowing the benefits of feeding bok choy to your horses, you need to know the risks as well. This phenomenal veggie acts like a down-to-earth element to help horses with several health issues, but at the same time, it can cause problems, if you don’t feed them in a moderated way.

Thyroid issue

Bok choy can cause thyroid issues for horses if they eat it in large amounts. The presence of goitrogen may interfere with the flawless thyroid function of horses and result in problems.

 Allergic reaction

Some horses get allergic or intolerant to this veggie due to getting fed in large quantities.

Bad habit

If you feed this bok choy regularly, then your horses may develop a new food habit and express unwillingness to eat regular food. This habit may affect their daily diet and health conditions.

To avoid these risks, try to feed the veggie in moderation (no more no less). It is wise to monitor your horses’ appetite for this veggie and decide how much you can feed them.

Can bok choy cause digestive problems in horses?

You know, horses are completely tolerant of this veggie. But if they eat much, then that can cause digestive problems like gas, bloating, or other digestive issues. These happen because of the richness of fiber in it.

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Can you add it as a sole source of nutrition to your horses’ diet?

No, you should not add this bok choy as a sole source of nutrition. It can be a healthy addition to the daily diet along with other food items. Better, you add this as a treat for horses. But consult with a vet or equine nutritionist to determine the adequate amount for them.

How to feed bok choy to horses?

If it is your first time feeding this amazing vegetable to your horses, then here you go with some tips to feed it:

Food: Bok choy on a plate.

How much bok choy you can feed your horses?

There is no specification of how much bok choy you can feed your horses. But starting with a small amount along with another food item is always a wise consideration to feed them this generous veggie.

Related: Cauliflower for your horse’s diet: yes or no? Dive into our ultimate feeding guide to make an informed choice and provide optimal nutrition for your equine companion.

Other vegetables that horses can eat

There are several vegetables that horses can eat and digest. These veggies are highly nutritious and also a favorite item for horses. Here you go with a list of vegetables to feed horses:


Horses just love to eat this vegetable for its sweet taste. You will be glad to know that it carries a high amount of vitamin A for horses. To feed it, firstly slice a hole in the top, and use a scooper to take out the flesh and seeds. Separate them and cut the flesh into small pieces and then feed the horses.


This green vegetable contains a lot of vitamins like Vitamin K, Vitamin B2, B6, C, potassium, and magnesium. It can be a good source of fiber for horses. You can feed both celery and leaves. It is better to cut the veggie into small pieces and mix it with other items and then feed the horses.


This is the most fed vegetable for horses. You can either feed it cracked or rolled. It is a fabulous source of Vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, and iron.


Carrot is the most popular treat for horses. It is a rich source of vitamin A for horses. You can either feed the carrot by cutting it longwise or in small pieces.


It is very rich in vitamins A, K and Which are very necessary for the immune system, metabolic functions, and healthy bones of horses. This is also adequate in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc, all of these are important for all overall equine health. You can feed this item either raw or boiled. But be precise in amount, don’t feed too much.

Related: Unlock the secrets of feeding beet greens to horses with our ultimate guide! Learn all about this tasty and nutritious addition to their diet.


Bok choy is an authentic source of high nutrition for your horses if you feed them in moderation. Remember that you can transform a simple vegetable like this bok choy into a golden blessing by making balance in amount and other supplements.

However, after adding a new item to the diet, monitor your horse’s response. If that is still not clear to you, consult with a vet or equine nutritionist, discuss how much bok choy is safe for your horses, and feed them accordingly. Hopefully, you will get a great result.

Zunnun Ahmed

We are a group of horse enthusiasts. We want to provide information and tips to help others learn more about horses, how to care for them, and how to enjoy them.

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