Brussels Sprouts & Horses: Minimize Risk, What Factors & More

By Zunnun Ahmed •  Updated: 05/06/23 •  10 min read

As a horse owner, you might have dealt with the confusion of what vegetables can horses eat, including whether horses can safely eat Brussels sprouts. The same issue I faced as a new horse owner!

By the way, the answer is yes; the horses can safely eat Brussels sprouts. But you have to be careful with the quantity of Brussels sprouts. Because sprouts are not that suitable for horses’ taste buds. If you plan to feed this veggie to your horse, don’t feed it more than 4 ounces.

This writing will deliver every single detail on the veggie Brussels sprouts and their effectiveness for horses.

What are Brussels sprouts?

Brussels sprouts look like a small version of cabbage. It is a green, leafy vegetable with a compact head. It belongs to the Brassica oleracea species which you can count in the vegetables like broccoli, cauliflowers, cabbages, and kale.  The leaf of a Brussels sprout is about 1.5-4.0 cm in diameter.

Brussels sprout has chemo-protective properties and it helps to fight against cancer and other kinds of diseases. It can be worked as a medicine for constipation and other digestive difficulties.

This veggie is slightly bitter in flavor and can be cooked as pan fry, grilled, roasted, or sauteed.

Can horses safely eat Brussels sprouts?

Yes, horses can safely eat Brussels sprouts. But for this, you have to be very cautious regarding the quantity of the sprouts. You cannot feed your horse more than 4 ounces. Though it is a complex grain for horses, it still has some advantages.

Sprouts are a great source of energy, vitamins, and enzymes, reduce complex stretches, and store protein. If your horse eats Brussels sprouts, you can add them to its daily diet as the usual grains.  In this regard, you need to put in a bit of effort, time, and consciousness to feed your horse.

Nutritional Value of Brussels Sprouts

Below, I have provided statistical information on the nutritional value of Brussels sprouts per 100 grams.

% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.3 g0%
Saturated fat 0.1 g0%
Cholesterol 0 mg0%
Sodium 25 mg1%
Potassium 389 mg11%
Total Carbohydrate 9 g3%
Dietary fiber 3.8 g15%
Sugar 2.2 g
Protein 3.4 g6%
Vitamin C141%
Vitamin B610%
Magnesium 5%
Vitamin D0%
Cobalamin 0% 

Related: Curious why horses can’t eat cauliflower? Learn about the nutritional and digestive issues that make it unsafe, and discover what alternatives are available.

Factors that determine if horses can eat Brussels sprouts

Horses maintain devoted behavior while eating. Some factors allow the horses to eat specific veggies or grains.  If a horse eats sprouts, some factors work behind this food habit, such as:

Brussels Sprouts & Horses

Forage types and availability:

Forage means the storage of grains for horses. There are different types of forage like grasses, oats, millets, ryegrass, etc. The forage type depends on the taste bud of the horses. But the availability of forage depends on the growing of the grains.

Sometimes, there may be a scarcity of other veggies, and by that time, some horse owners make their horses habituated to Brussels sprouts. If somehow the horses get used to eating sprouts, then as a horse owner, you can keep continuing to provide sprouts as the daily diet.

Continual consumption:

Sometimes the horse owners feed sprouts to their horses as a continual consumption. That means, if somehow the owners have sprouted, they utilize the grains by feeding the horses.

Demand for nutrients:

Brussels sprouts contain nutrients like vitamins, enzymes, protein, chemoprotective features, and minerals, such nutrients are very helpful for horses, and that is why horse owners consider feeding this veggie to their horses.

Advantages of feeding Brussels sprouts to horses

Brussels sprout is not a horse-friendly veggie, but some horse owners feed this to their horses to create a new diet chart and source of energy.

Feeding sprouts requires more time, effort, and forethought than the other grains. But you have to be a bit cautious regarding the quantity, because sprouts more than a specific portion may create a digestive problem within horses.

Still, some horse owners take the risk of feeding their horses sprouts, due to some health advantages.

The sprout germination stores protein, and complex stretches, which increase simple sugar as well as enzymes and vitamins. Most importantly, the megajoules remaining in these grains provide more energy in digestion. So, a few sprouts in the daily diet of the horses, help in the digestive systems and create energy. But be careful, don’t feed them much.

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Risks of feeding Brussels sprouts to horses

Brussels sprouts help in the digestive system of the horses, but if you feed your horses more than 4 ounces, then that would be a great health issue for your horse.

So don’t feed your horse Brussels sprouts too much, because it has the risk of colic problems and detrimental gas, that cause abdominal pain and vomiting for your horse.

How to minimize risks when feeding Brussels sprouts

If you feed your horse Brussels sprouts as a part of their daily diet, then you have to be careful while feeding it this grain. Though this grain causes health problems for horses, there are still some ways to minimize the risks.

How to feed Brussels sprouts to horses?

As a horse owner, you must feed your horse timely and proper. Though Brussels sprouts are not instructed to feed the horses, if somehow you make your horse eat it, and find it suitable for your horse, then you can feed this daily. But there are some rules to feeding Brussels sprouts to horses:

List of other foods that horses can eat

For your convenience, below I have listed the names of some fruits and vegetables that your horses can safely eat.


Where are Brussels sprouts growing mostly?

Brussels sprouts mostly grow in cold weather. The best climate for growing Brussels sprouts is the Fog belt of the Pacific Northwest, California. There brussels sprouts are grown at the commercial level. It requires a long growing season, like 80-100 days. Since it is a slow-growing, long-bearing crop, it should be planted in the spring or late summer.

Can I feed my horse Brussels sprouts every day?

Yes, you can feed your horse Brussels sprouts every day, if you observe that your horse does not have any health issues after having it. But, make sure you are not feeding it too much. You can give Brussels sprouts mixed with other grains daily.

How do I know if my horse can tolerate Brussels sprouts?

You can easily understand your horse can tolerate Brussels sprouts. When you feed your horse Brussels sprouts for the first time, you should observe its’ reaction, whether it experiences any gas or digestive issues or not. If it reacts normally and does not face any health issues at all, then you may conclude that your horse can tolerate Brussels sprouts.

Can horses eat cooked Brussels sprouts?

Horses sometimes face gas and colic problems due to Brussels sprouts. So it is better to avoid cooked Brussels sprouts. You can feed raw Brussels sprouts if your horse can tolerate that. But do avoid cooked Brussels sprouts.


Living life with horses is a blessing. A horse can add extra liveliness to your life. But as a horse owner, you have to take care of your horse properly.

This writing has provided a detailed description of the most confusing part for a horse owner, can horses safely eat Brussels sprouts? Hopefully, you got their answers and got rid of their confusion.

You can feed Brussels sprouts to your horse, but not more than 4 ounces and it also depends on the tolerance level of the horse.

Zunnun Ahmed

We are a group of horse enthusiasts. We want to provide information and tips to help others learn more about horses, how to care for them, and how to enjoy them.

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