Deep Seat Saddle Vs Flat Seat – Which One Is Most Useful?

By Zunnun Ahmed •  Updated: 09/07/22 •  5 min read

As they’re both flat seats and deep seat saddles on the market, now you may wonder, which one I should take my riding to the next level?

No more wonder. We’ll go inside both. So you can become a master of the deep seat vs. flat seat saddle (at least understand both). 

Not only that, you’ll get a crystal clear idea of which one you should take or must avoid before investing a penny and enjoying the ride you’d love all along.

Let’s begin here…

Deep seat saddle vs flat seat

For expert riding or a try, flat and deep seats are designed for their required reason. And the more you know exactly what you want. (Related: Read more about Mexican Saddle vs Western Saddle)

The easier it will be for you to decide your one.

Fortunately, this article will help you to make it happen. 

Let’s know them first…

Flat saddle 

It’s a traditional plain saddle that allows the rider to ride without moving, lowering, or raising above the horse while riding.

A flat saddle is primarily designed for the plane ground.

It simply pushes back and forwards the rider as she goes for too high or low places.

However, someone who doesn’t know how to ride well gets no benefit from that. But anyone already expert at riding and jumping can quickly go for the flat saddle.

A flat seat is mainly used for the well-ridden horse to manage the center of gravity.

See also: Looking to make your own saddle from scratch? This guide will show you everything you need to know, from choosing the right materials to putting the finishing touches on your masterpiece.

Who needs a flat saddle?

Riders’ saddle tastes are different.

That’s why you’ll see there are dozens of saddle styles on the market.

This is outstanding for the riders today to experience the simple to advanced saddle every way they want. Where flat saddle is one of them from the many. 

So actually, who needs the flat saddle? A person already an expert at riding a horse finds it more secure than a beginner. 

Because it’s a jumping saddle.

It’ll give you the total freedom to jump well. 

So anyone who desires to go jumping and experience the next level of adventure can go ahead!


Beyond deep seat saddle

When the rider rides faster, it allows the regular seat to move the rider back and upward thoroughly, which is very uncomfortable and challenging for both the rider and the horse.

It leads riders to fall in many ways. 

Where the deep seat perfectly keeps the rider inside the center. 

The job of the deep seat is to maintain the position in control far beyond the semi or flat seat. 

Because every deep seat is designed with a higher cantel.

Cantel helps the rider to stop moving the saddle backward and manage the horse skillfully.

Most riders focus on the deep seat like XS, especially for the drop fences while jumping. 

Flat also works for jumping but is not as secure as the deep.

It allows the rider to ride the saddle in some way like:

Now you may ask who should use the Deep seat saddle.

Simply the, anyone needs a more flexible and comfortable ride in a secure way.

deep saddle

How did I experience the deep seat?

As I started riding with the deep seat, it felt more mature and well-controlled than the flat seat.


I have tested horses like the green horse, big horse, and young horse. They all need better control and extra assistance. 

I found no other seat that could maintain the ride as I went with the deep.

And, if I go with any next saddle, that would be a deep seat.

Because it keeps me collected, I feel much more controlled than any other saddle on the list.

See also: If your horse’s hooves are cracked and dry, try one of these 9 surprising home remedies to get them back to normal!

The distinction between flat and deep seat saddle

Some direct distinctions separate both saddles from the rider’s experience and expertise. Let’s uncover how they stand from the ground so you can choose the perfect one.

See also: Need help choosing the right saddle? Check out our reviews of Arena Jump saddles!

Last note

Now, as you understand the deep seat saddle vs. flat seat saddle, you may also find your one. Yes, the rider always has their way of moving beyond that; you may also follow along. Choose what is best for you, and always feel proud of that.

Zunnun Ahmed

We are a group of horse enthusiasts. We want to provide information and tips to help others learn more about horses, how to care for them, and how to enjoy them.

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