Why Is My Electric Fence So Weak? (5 Steps to Make Stronger)

By Zunnun Ahmed •  Updated: 02/16/23 •  6 min read

Electric fences provide the necessary protection for your livestock. However, having a weak electric fence can compromise your animals’ security and safety. So, why is my electric fence so weak in the first place?

Broken wires, poor energizer installation, worn insulators, and electromagnetic interferences are the primary reasons that weaken your fences.

These issues lead to current flow disruptions and also leak current flows. As a result, your fence doesn’t transfer the required electricity it needs to provide optimum safety.

Here in this blog, we’ll aid you with the ways you can increase electric fence strength. Plus, provide you with elaborate explanations of why your fence strength is so weak.

So, binge on till the end!

Why is my electric fence so weak?

Well, there can be many reasons for having weak electric fences. So, here in this section, our experts have listed the most common problems that can weaken your electric fences.

Why is my electric fence so weak?

Broken wires

Having damaged wires to your fence can be one of the vital reasons for having weak electrical flow through your fences. If the fence wires are broken, the current won’t flow freely (as there will be resistance halting the electrical flow).

This can drastically reduce the overall effectiveness of the fences! However, regular inspections and fence maintenance can aid you in detecting the issues, and you can easily get the wires repaired.

Note: If wire repair is not your deal, you can always consult a technician to help you out.

Poor energizer installation

The energizer is what lets the voltage and current flow through your fences. So, if it’s not correctly installed, then you simply can’t expect a proper current supply in your electric fences.

However, the best solution here would be to install your energizer in a weather-protected location and accurately follow the instructions manual.

Yet, if you still face trouble with the installation, you can always seek the help of an expert.

Related: Having your electric fence click? Don’t worry! Learn the 5 simple steps to troubleshoot and stop the clicking of your electric fence.

Worn insulators

Yes, even worn insulators can cause your electric fences to get weak. The work of insulators is to ensure that your fence wires are well separated to prevent sudden short circuits.

However, when these insulators get damaged, the current (flowing through the fences) will leak through the ground. This can weaken the electric fences, and the only possible solution would be to replace the insulators.

Electromagnetic interference

If your electric fences face electromagnetic interference from other sources, this can disrupt the current flow.

And it’s one of the reasons that make your electric fences weak. Now, the only possible solution to avoid such a mishap is to install a shield or filter to eliminate (or at least reduce) the interference.

Related: Are you wondering if electric fence chargers are waterproof and how to make them rainproof? Learn how to make them weather-ready.

How do I make my electric fence stronger?

Now, when it comes to making your electric fences stronger, some people tend to face challenges. Well, not anymore! In this section, we’ve shortlisted the most effective ways to enhance your electric fence strength.

Increasing the wire numbers

When you increase the number of wires, it drastically strengthens your fences by creating more substantial barriers. So, if any animal tries to cross your fences, it’ll experience a considerable shock.

Now, you may wonder which’s the best fence place to add these wirings! Depending on the overall fence height and animal size, you can add these wires at the bottom or top of your fences. It also won’t be a problem to increase the wire numbers at both the top and bottom! (Read details about is electric fences legal?)

Proper earthing

Earthing is, without question, one of the crucial factors in improving your electric fence strength. An adequately grounded fence can generate a robust electrical circuit, letting the current flow freely throughout your fence.

You can quickly achieve proper earthing by installing effective earth systems and earthing rods (copper, stainless steel, and galvanized steel are some of the best earthing rods).

Pro Tip: Poor earthing will always degrade the electric fence strength, and you won’t get sufficient electric charge flowing freely through these fences.


Increase the voltage input

Voltage is the key factor in determining the electric strength passing through your fences. When you increase the voltage input, your fences will flow more electrical charges.

And this can drastically make the electric fences stronger. The voltage can be increased using a powerful energizer (adding more batteries will make the energizer even stronger).

Pro Tip: Ensure you know your fence height and length when choosing your energizer. Plus, the type of animals the fence is designed for!

Installation of lighting diverter

If your area is prone to adverse weather conditions and lightning strikes are one of the common problems, then it’s time to have a lightning diverter.

When lightning strikes the fences, it can easily weaken them, and they won’t have the necessary current flow. So, having a diverter can channel the lightning bolt away from the fence and exponentially reduce the damage.

Pro Tip: A lightning diverter is effective only when it matches the size and voltage of your fences. So, it’s recommended to take the assistance of an expert to determine your ideal diverter.

Related: Don’t let your beloved pets get hurt by electric fences! Learn how to keep them safe with these 7 helpful tips to deal with electric fences.


Is thicker wire better for electric fence?

Well, a thicker wire will surely be robust and won’t break that easily. However, it won’t carry as much current (due to lower gauge number) through your fences.

Do electric fences need to be tight?

Yes, electric fences need to be tight enough, as loose fences can result in poor conduction and can also degrade the fence’s strength. However, it doesn’t mean you must make it “super tight,” as it can damage the fences.

What is the best gauge wire to use for an electric fence?

12.5 gauge galvanized wire can be the best gauge wire to consider. Yet, there are factors that you actually need to be aware of. For instance, low-volt fences should have 17 or 19-gauge wires. Similarly, higher-volt fences should have 12 to 14-gauge wires.

Does thicker wire mean more resistance?

Nope! This is because the wire resistance is inversely proportional to the wire’s cross-sectional area. So, the thicker the wire gets, the lesser the resistance it’ll have. 

Bottom line

So, after going through this blog, you should now clearly understand why your electric fence is so weak and how you can increase its strength. However, if you still face trouble increasing the fence strength, you can always consult a technician to help you out.

Zunnun Ahmed

We are a group of horse enthusiasts. We want to provide information and tips to help others learn more about horses, how to care for them, and how to enjoy them.

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